Monday, August 11, 2008

Confession Unlucky Thirteen: Unlike Most, I Really Am Not Ashamed of My Age - But Please Get It Right!

As I have previously mentioned I am 25 years old.

Seriously people, I am pup, especially when you consider the age of the staff I work amongst, er, I mean the Earth. Yes, I was totally meaning to discuss geological time.

Today, as I was walking back in my office building (read: stadium) from running errands at lunch one of the nice young football players decided to hold the door open for me. “What a nice young man!” I thought to myself – in all honesty I like when the guys think enough NOT to slam the door in my face.

So I say “thank you” and smile then IT happened.

The young man, who was obviously a frosh - seeing as I did not recognize him - says to me:

"Hey, are you the lady that took our pictures for the website? When are they going to be up? "

Actually it wasn’t all that eloquent, but the fact of the matter is he called me THAT LADY?

What is this, am I 40? For goodness sake I have a Facebook account, darnit! I am young and fun!

Granted I should see it as a sign of respect, I guess, but oh, how old do I feel? I might as well suck down a Centrum Silver with a glass of Metamucil for dinner.

I feel as if this was one of those defining moments and Coco and I REALLY need to carry-out our plan to get an MTV show just to prove to everyone how young we are.

She has already made contact with their people and I think the email looked a little like this:

Dear MTV,

The Overachiever and I are way more awesome than any of the current programs that you have on your channel. We could be the next “Rich Girls”, “Girls Next Door”, “The Hills” or “Real World “ (PS – all of these require money so you are going to need to give us a lot!) (PPS – I know the “Girls Next Door” is on E! but you know what I mean MTV – don’t give attitude!). The only thing we haven’t done is get arrested but I am sure that if you let us loose in SoCal we could probably accomplish it without trying (PS – bail money must be written into the contract).

Thank you for your consideration,
Frick and Frack©

PS – TRADEMARKED!! Don’t steal MTV - -- I am onto you!!

PPS – The originators of that nickname are the only people allowed to call us “ladies” – and it must be proceeded by “HEEEEEELLLLLOOOOO”. Oh and it totally helps they are way older than us and will inhabit the Raisin Ranch before we do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry lady, 40 is the new 25.

And, worse news for you ... 25 is the new 40.