Friday, July 11, 2008

Confession One: Flirting with Blogging ... Again

Maybe its not my office, per say, but I do heart pink and wearing power suits ...

It’s a Friday afternoon in the summer (my down ‘season’) and I am still at work … I am the only one in my hallway as a matter of fact. Of the ten office doors, mine is the only one open, with a living, breathing human occupying the space on either side of threshold. (Note: Subtle clues like this will start to make sense and will give rise to the reasoning behind my moniker and why my name makes total sense. )

If you happened to stumble upon my corner of the internet then I am guessing you are going to want the Cliff Notes version of my life and why I see the world as I do … Upon knowing these juicy details I am well aware you run the risk of falling in love with me and feeling the need to visit my site daily. Much like getting in a car and driving anywhere, it’s a risk worth taking – sadly though I cannot offer the safety of a seatbelt. On the flip side, it is perfectly legal to take in my thoughts while intoxicated. Hell, it may even make me appear smarter – think of it as beer goggles for the brain – and I, unlike your ex boy/girlfriends, am not going to be upset if you leave me sloppy messages 3 a.m.

Consider yourself warned, read on anyway, what else do you have to do with your life?

Without giving away enough details that will earn me a 48 Hours Mystery appearance the essentials are as follows:

• I turned 25 less than a month ago and though I have always listened to him, John Mayer’s Room for Squares album makes more and more sense to me everyday. I too have considered ‘keeping my car in drive and leaving this shit behind’ on many occasions, yet because I am forever driving with my gas tank on the lighter side (read: fumes) I am lucky to make it between my apartment and work on any given day.

• This is my second try at blogging. My first was on my now extinct MySpace page. My older sister loved it. She thought I was funny. Much like your mom saying you are funny, I took little stock in this acknowledgement, yet days would go by and she would ask me when I was going to start spell checking my rants and putting them on paper again – she is a stay at home mom so I am pretty sure her pleas were an attempt to have interaction with someone other than Bob the Builder on a random Wednesday afternoon. Oddly enough, I had friends subscribe to my incoherent ramblings too. Some of my more adventurous topics included a love letter to Starbucks and planning my wardrobe for the campaign trail. No I am not running for homecoming queen- though I do have the perfect wrist, wrist, elbow, elbow motion!My other half, better known as CP, was convinced he was going to run for governor.
He is a hippy liberal who is perpetually oppressed and held down by his polo shirts and khakie shorts. As he was explaining his platform to me I was mentally spending my lifesavings outfitting my Jackie O. look. She is, after all, the clear choice of style icon to emulate (read: knockoff), because in the wise words of Warner Huntington, III “Elle, I need a Jackie, not a Marilyn.” (Note: Had Legally Blonde come out a few years later I would be willing to bet a few Monica jokes would have been included in that fateful conversation.)

• I am not promising that I will always deliver wit, charm, sarcasm or even complete sentences. What I think I will give you, my two readers (Hi Meash!) is an honest look at being 25 in the year 2008 and attempting to figure out the world around me.

More or less that whole ‘Quarterlife Crisis Activist’ junk should make sense by now … if not, I am S.O.L since I have about 500 business cards with that exact title on them. Buying in bulk rocks!

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